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AI vs. Human: Who’s Winning the Race for Intelligence Dominance?

AI vs. Human: Who’s Winning the Race for Intelligence Dominance?

AI vs human: well this has become one of the biggest debate in recent times. A tug of war is going on in between AI and human intelligence for intelligence dominance. This debate is rightly so popular because both the forces have some extraordinary skill sets that can leave us stunned. There are multiple areas where artificial intelligence is the winner. Similarly human intelligence has its own arena of triumph over artificial intelligence. Let’s explore the strengths and weaknesses of both the forces and try to draw some conclusion from the information this article will be providing. But before doing that, we must understand what both the forces are and how they work.

What is artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is primarily the branch of data sciences with its main focus on making intelligent machines. It is supposed to perform those tasks that typically require human intelligence. The concept of Artificial intelligence had the idea of imitating human brain. Well this concept has been successful to some extent and there are multiple areas and examples where this initial sort of artificial intelligence is being used with accuracy. There are basic two types of AI. One is weak AI and second is strong AI. The weak AI involves the specific routine and repetitive tasks by learning from the past data it has been fed with. This type of AI is very much prevalent in our daily lives. For example, chatbots, snapchat filters, data management softwares etc. The strong AI is much more complex than this. The main purpose of strong AI is to make it able to eventually teach itself for solving new problems. This stage of AI is not achieved yet and according to some opinions, it is neither even possible.


What is human intelligence

Human intelligence is a complex cognitive and intellectual system. It has the ability to acquire, understand and apply knowledge. The advanced and unique qualities it has are the abilities to learn from daily life experiences and adapt to new situations. With all these qualities, it enables people to make effective decisions and and make out creatives solutions to cope up with new situations. It has high levels of motivation, creative and self awareness. Another thing that makes human brain more unique is that it has emotional intelligence as well in its complex system. There are four types of human intelligence, IQ, EQ, PQ and SQ. All these aspects of intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual intelligence forms a complex system of a human brain. Human brain is capable of bringing new things to life just as it has created artificial intelligence. It is a huge strong force that has transformed the world completely.

Areas where AI wins

As we know that AI is such a giant that it, with its extraordinary capabilities has taken the whole world by storm. Undoubtedly, there are some areas where AI has a clear triumph over the human brain. Let’s discuss those areas in detail below.

Processing speed:

One key strength of AI is its ability to process the huge amount of data at lightning speed. Signals from AI systems move with the speed of light while in human brain, the signals move with the speed of no more than 120ms. The processing speed of human brain is far more slower than the speed of Artificial intelligence. In this area, AI completely outperforms the human brain.


Human body or human brain is something that requires rest at any cost. It is not possible for human brain to work 24/7. No human brain is capable of doing it. While Artificial intelligence does not have to take rest to resume its functioning. You can take advantage of AI anytime and at any day of the week. It is available for you 24/7. This is something that human brain can not beat AI at.


As AI is something that does not get bias, neither does it forgets things. It has a very low capacity of making errors. Whatever level of capacity it has, it does the actions within its limits with complete accuracy. While using AI, there are more chances of human error free output. It becomes very well versed of the actions it has to perform and therefore leads to accuracy.

24/7 availability

Human body or human brain is something that requires rest at any cost. It is not possible for human brain to work 24/7. No human brain is capable of doing it. While Artificial intelligence does not have to take rest to resume its functioning. You can take advantage of AI anytime and at any day of the week. It is available for you 24/7. This is something that human brain can not beat AI at.


Human brain is not capable of performing the tasks containing huge amount of data and information. A large amount of human resource is required to perform the huge tasks. But while using Artificial intelligence, you can easily scale the performance to deal with the large quantity setups. It can process huge amount of data in seconds which is not possible for human brain.

Areas where human intelligence wins

We have witnessed the remarkable qualities of AI that are way more ahead of human minds. But there are unarguably some areas where AI is far behind of human minds. Let’s go deep into those qualities of human brains one by one.


Multitasking is a highly sought after attribute in modern world. A human worker can take up multiple responsibilities and put his efforts to fullfil those responsibilities. Whereas, the time needed to teach AI systems on each and every system is considerably high. Human brain can perform multitasking by applying its acquired knowledge through experiences on multiple purposes.

Decision making

Decision making is the ability that comes out as a result of learning from past experiences and using logic and reasoning for taking practical steps towards a scenario. Human brains are able to solve complex, multifaceted problems that require critical thinking, reasoning and intuition.

Logic, reasoning and intuition are things wherein AI lags far behind than human brains.

Creativity and innovation

Artificial intelligence can be anything from being super powerful to extremely accurate but creative. Human intelligence is a creative force. It has got the ability of creation and innovation from scratch. It is the human intelligence that has created Artificial intelligence itself. From this creation we can get the idea of how big the human intelligence is. Human intelligence is a creative force and that is what it keeps ahead of AI.

Consumes little energy

In contrast to power hungry computers, human brain has proved to be energy-efficient. The human brain runs continuously with the energy as much consumed as by a light bulb. It roughly consumes 20 watts of energy to work. And more interestsingly, this energy is free of cost. You do not have to pay for it. But, the computers, specially the AI machines require a lot of expensive energy to work.

Why human intelligence is a step ahead

Despite the Artificial intelligence having such huge and extraordinary attributes as described above, one thing is for sure and that is human intelligence will always be at least one step ahead of artificial intelligence. There is a reason behind it. Human intelligence is a creative force, it has the ability of creation whereas AI is far behind in this concept. AI itself is the creation of human intelligence. At the moment, we have only the implementation of weak AI and not the strong AI. some believe that the implementation of strong AI is not even possible due to various differences between human brain and computer.


In the battle of intelligence dominance between ai and human intelligence, collaboration is the key. Both the forces have their respective strengths and weaknesses. What as humans we should do is to utilize the strengths of AI as much as possible. No matter how powerful AI becomes, it is the human intelligence that has to tame this giant. Therefore it will perhaps never be possible for AI to completely replace human resources.

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