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EWaiver Pro



Ewavier Pro is a sophisticated waiver management system designed to streamline and enhance the waiver signing process for businesses of all sizes. With its robust features and seamless integration capabilities, Ewavier Pro revolutionizes the way waivers are managed, making the process efficient, paperless, and user-friendly.

Technology used
laravel logo
vue logo
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php logo
ewaver mobile app logo

Laravel Backend: Ewavier Pro’s backend is powered by Laravel, a powerful PHP framework known for its robustness and scalability. This ensures a secure and reliable foundation for managing waivers, user data, and automation processes.

Vue JS Frontend: The front end of Ewavier Pro is built using Vue JS, a progressive JavaScript framework. This guarantees a seamless and responsive user experience, enabling participants to easily access, review, and sign waivers from various devices.


Ewavier Pro is ideal for a wide range of businesses and organizations, including fitness centers, event organizers, recreational facilities, educational institutions, and more. Any entity that requires waivers to be signed can leverage the efficiency and automation offered by Ewaiver Pro.  By eliminating manual tasks and simplifying the waiver signing process, Ewavier Pro empowers businesses to operate more efficiently while enhancing customer satisfaction. Say goodbye to traditional paperwork and hello to the future of waiver management with Ewavier Pro.

Core features

Zapier Integration Automation: Ewavier Pro stands out with its seamless integration with Zapier, a leading automation tool. This integration empowers businesses to automate workflows and connect Ewavier Pro with a wide array of applications, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual tasks. Data synchronization, notifications, and actions can be automated effortlessly, saving time and resources.

product development


Quality Assurance
I am very impressed with Faisal and his team, They are doing excellent work on my project and I hope to continue our patnership for a long time into the future.
Jhon Robb
Founder and CEO at Sundial Studios
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