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Super Kiwi App is a cutting-edge E-commerce application and website tailored to the unique needs of consumers in the Dominican Republic. This platform provides a seamless shopping experience by connecting users with local marts, allowing them to explore, purchase, and enjoy a wide range of products. Built with a focus on user-friendliness and efficiency

Technology used
laravel logo
flutter logo
js logo
php logo
superkiwi features

App’s Frontend Development with Flutter:  Utilizes Flutter to ensure a consistent and visually appealing user experience across both mobile devices and the web.

App’s Backend Powered by Laravel:  Implements Laravel, a versatile PHP framework, to manage complex backend operations and data processing.Efficient Data Management andles product listings, user profiles, order processing, and store integration seamlessly.

Website’s Frontend Development with Bootstrap: Utilizes Bootstrap to ensure the website’s compatibility across various devices, delivering a consistent experience to users on both desktop and mobile.

Website’s Backend Framework Powered by Core PHP:  Leverages Core PHP to manage critical backend functions such as product listings, user profiles, order processing, and mart integration.


Super Kiwi App is designed to cater to consumers in the Dominican Republic who seek a convenient, location-based E-commerce solution.  It incorporates Meili Search to offer users a powerful and intuitive search experience, enabling quick product discovery. Accurate Results feature Provides real-time search results with typo tolerance and relevant suggestions.It offers a two-store checkout system, streamlining the purchasing process for users and reducing cart abandonment. Moreover,  It supports secure payment gateways to ensure a safe transactions.

Core features

Location-Based Mart Integration:


Seamless Store Connectivity: Connects users with nearby marts, enabling them to shop conveniently based on their location.

Localized Product Availability: Displays products available in the user’s vicinity, enhancing relevance and reducing delivery times.

Customizable Preferences: Allows users to set their preferred mart for easy access to their frequently purchased items.

core features


Quality Assurance
I know It's been a long project and a lot of difficulties to handle but I want to say thank you for all, excellent team, excellent work, the app is working very fast and we are the meeting all the goals we had, I know this is going to be a successful project we will as team will be moving forward on this. Thanks I really appreciate your work. 🎉🎉🎉
Founder and CEO at Super kiwi
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